The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, its Territories and Canada (IATSE) is a labor union of technicians, artisans and craftspersons in the entertainment industry, live theatre, motion picture and television production, and trade shows. IATSE was originally chartered by the American Federation of Labor as the National Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees in 1893. The current title, the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees was adopted in 1995.
IATSE negotiates most of the labor contracts regarding wages, work rules, complaint procedures, rules governing hiring, firing and promotion of members, benefits, workplace safety and policies, locally or by region. However, the General Office signs nationwide agreements in cases where they are warranted by the nature of the work involved.
The members of IATSE are involved in each phase of production of theatrical, motion picture or television products. The members of IATSE are among the highest compensated union members in North America.
IATSE is composed of 418 local International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees groups organized into 14 districts. The local unions are autonomous bodies.
The guidelines which govern the operation of the International Union and its relationship to the individual local unions and members are enumerated in the International Constitution and By-Laws. However, operation of local unions is based on their own Constitutions.
The supreme governing body of the IATSE is the Quadrennial Convention. The convention reviews the progress of the organization, affirms or alters its policies, formulates plans for the future and update Constitution and Byelaws. The General Executive Board consists of the International President, General Secretary-Treasurer, and thirteen Vice Presidents. International President controls day to day administration of IATSE. Three International Trustees manage the finances of the IATSE. The Board of Trustees reviews the financial books and records of the organization. The Board meets at least twice each year. The 14 district bodies hold annual conventions to discuss their regional interests and concerns. The quadrennial convention of the International is immediately preceded by conventions of the Districts.